Georgia Bullen on high risk users
- 1 minute readToday I listened to a talk by Georgia Bullen called Beyond the Pile of Knobs: Usability and Design for Privacy, Security, Safety & Consent Privacy given in the Open Source Design devroom at FOSDEM. Her slides are available but the video is well worth listening to or watching.
She advises,
“Don't just focus on the majority cases, focus on the high-risk users and understand their threats.”
She calls these the “stress cases,” the people who are in the most high-risk settings, and suggests that what works for them will likely work for most people.
I wonder what her take would be on the Integrating DataTags with Harvard Dataverse poster. I understand that there is a lot of demand for the ability to share sensitive data but the risk seems great. Talks have been given about DataTags with titles like Sharing Data You Can't Share.
She mentioned working on a system called PREreview (“a platform for the crowdsourcing of preprint reviews”), so she obviously has some experience in scholarly publishing.
As a geek, I also found it interesting that she has studied NoScript.
Her company is called Simply Secure and at the end of her talk she invited everyone to join them on Slack.