European Dataverse Workshop 2020 day 1
- 1 minute readOk, I'm not actually at European Dataverse Workshop 2020 but I'm enjoying the tweets from afar. I love how #dataverse2020 is trending in Norway right now. I love how Oliver Bertuch describes Dataverse as a vibrant community. Shout outs are always appreciated, of course.
I think it's cool that the list of participants is online. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to throw the data in Dataverse and Data Explorer to quickly get a histogram of the 19 countries are participating. Very impressive!
Some of the slides from talks are available already:
- FAIR principles and beyond: Implementation in Dataverse
- SSHOC Dataverse in the European Open Science Cloud
- Dataverse in Göttingen
The setting looks gorgeous! Have fun!
Update: The story continues on day 2!